Our Story
Active Cranbrook became a non-profit society recently to begin tackling the question of "How can all citizens in our city become more active, healthy, and happier?".
A few of us evolved from the previous BC Physical Literacy for Communities (PL4C), a provincial initiative pre-COVID. In September 2022, we wanted to share our knowledge, expertise and talents with our city to get moving and feel great following COVID. We want to balance our offerings among all citizens in various age groups.
The answer to our question was to become a group that would not only advocate "what and how" physical literacy can help but to go one step further in assisting groups that require more resources, new techniques and tools to develop programs that are individualized to meet the needs of their group.
Physical literacy offers an alternative approach to encourage individuals to engage in physical activity. Improvements occur in all components of health (social, emotional, cognitive, and physical).
Our key elements are fun, enjoyment, and improved confidence and physical competence.